Follow the updates and improvements made to the Phare platform in 2025.
Telegram integration
January 30th, 2025
A new integration with Telegram is now available to send notifications to your Telegram application. The integration supports sending messages to a group or a private chat, and can be used with all existing alert events.
Read the Telegram integration documentation to get started.
Improved integration reliability
January 27th, 2025
A lot of work has been done to improve the reliability of all integrations with third-party services. Including a new delivery and error logs page, failure notifications, and automatic pause for failing integrations.
Delivery and error logs
All integrations now provide a detailed logs page to help you diagnose and fix issues.
Failure notifications
All integrations now notify the organization owner when an issue occurs. For the SMS, Email and Webhook integrations, a detailed list of failed number, address or requests is provided to help you identify the issue.
The failure notification for the Outgoing Webhook integration is only sent if all delivery attempts have failed, which means organization owner will be notified 1 hour and 18 minutes after the event creation.
Automatic pause
Integrations that have been failing more than 3 consecutive times in a 7 days rolling window will be automatically paused. A notification will be sent to the organization owner when this happens.
Data retention change
January 20th, 2025
To improve the performance of the platform and reduce unnecessary data retention, a few rules are now enforced for organizations on the Hobby plan:
Organizations must have at least one active member in the past 6 months to keep their account active. Two reminder email will be sent to the organization owner before the account is deactivated. The first reminder is sent 14 days before the account deactivation, and the second reminder is sent 3 days before the account deactivation.
Monitor that have been failing uninterrupted for more than 48h will be automatically paused. A notification will be sent to the organization owner when a monitor is paused.
These rules are only enforced for organizations on the Hobby plan, and are necessary to keep this plan free and sustainable for everyone.
Custom error pages for status pages
January 14th, 2025
When visiting a status page with an error (404, 500, etc.), a custom error page is now displayed to provide a better user experience, instead of redirecting users to a error page.
Account security improvements
January 8th, 2025
The security of your user account has been improved with the addition of a password confirmation step when updating your email address or deactivating two-factor authentication. This step ensures that you are the owner of the account and that no one else can make changes without your consent. The two-factor authentication activation flow has also been improved with the possibility to manually set up your authenticator app without having to scan a QR code.
Embed status badge customization
January 6th, 2025
Embed status badges can now be customized with a custom background color to match your website’s design. A theme selector is available to choose between light and dark mode, and a color picker to select the background color for each theme.
Embed status badges
January 3rd, 2025
Three embeddable status badges are now available to display your status page’s current status on your website. The badges do not load any third party scripts, are free from cookies, and adapt to your website dark and light mode.
Pulse badge
The pulse badge only display the current status of your status page without any additional information, making it perfect to build your own components around it.
Static badge
The static badge displays the current status of your status page with a pulse and a static label.
Live badge
The live badge displays the current status of your status page with a pulse and a live label.
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