Phare Uptime helps you make sure your website and server are always up and running, and sends you an alerts when something goes wrong.

Uptime Monitoring

Uptime monitoring is the process of monitoring the availability of your website and servers.

Learn more about uptime monitoring.

Monitors list

Status pages

Status pages are a simple way to communicate with your users when something goes wrong.

Learn more about status pages.

Status page

Incident Management

Incident management is the process of managing the lifecycle of an incident. Phare Uptime provides a powerful incident management system to manage the lifecycle of an incident, including incident creation, incident updates, incident resolution, and incident escalation.

Learn more about incident management.

Incident management table


Alerting is the process of notifying your team members of an incident. Phare Uptime provides a powerful alerting system to notify your team members of an incident, including email, Slack, and Discord with more integrations coming soon.

Learn more about alerting.

Alert rules table